• You can freeze Nystatin Liquid in medicine cups in the refrigerator and let it melt in your mouth. Nutrition A normal high-protein, high-calorie diet—with supplements as needed—will help your sore mouth or tongue heal faster. Drinking lots of fluids will also help the healing process as well as help make your mouth sores more comfortable. A high-calorie, high-protein diet would include scrambled eggs, custards, milkshakes, malts, gelatins, creamy hot cereals, macaroni and cheese and blenderized or pureed foods. Commercial supplements such as Ensure, Sustacal or Carnation Breakfast Drink can also be helpful. Until your mouth sores heal you should avoid: • Very hot or very cold foods. • Tomatoes and citrus fruits such as grapefruit, lemons and oranges, which can burn your mouth. • Salty foods, which can cause a burning sensation. • Hot, spicy, coarse or rough foods, including toast, dry crackers and chips. • Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, both of which irritate the lining of the mouth. • Any medications such as mouthwashes or cough syrups that contain alcohol.